Monday, February 7, 2011

Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Not Litter

  • Brings down property value ,
    Littering can bring down the property value in many neighborhoods. People who are shopping for homes may choose to pass on a house because of excessive littering.
    Nicer neighborhoods seem to attract more real estate buyers than areas that are filled with garbage. If you plan on selling your home in the future, littering will not help such an endeavor. It will minimize your chances of finding a buyer. 
  • Pollution,
    Those who litter are creating an unhealthy environment for everyone in that atmosphere. Littering affects current residents and future generations. This planet does not have endless amounts of space for garbage. Throwing items like fast food bags and beverage containers on the ground contributes to pollution.

  • Low Character,People who litter exhibit low character. Littering is not attractive and it does not showcase good qualities about a person. It shows that you do not care about your environment or the wellbeing of other residents. Many people should have more respect for their surroundings and public areas. If you litter, others will not look at you as a worthwhile individual.